Two Russian strategic Tu-95MS Bear-H bombers carried out a flight along the coasts of Alaska and Canada during recent command and post exercises, the Russian Air Force announced Thursday."Each Tu-95 plane took about 30 tons of fuel on board, for the first time since the Soviet era. Their average flight duration was about 17 hours, during which the planes covered a distance of over 13,000 km [8,000 miles]," said Alexander Drobyshevsky, an aide to the Air Force commander.
According to the Air Force, the bombers were refueled in the air by Il-78 Midas tankers.
Drobyshevsky also said another pair of Tu-95MS flew around Greenland into the eastern Atlantic, a flight that took about 12 hours.
President Vladimir Putin announced the resumption of strategic patrol flights on August 17, saying that although the country halted long-distance strategic flights to remote regions in 1992, other nations had continued the practice, compromising Russian national security.
The latest flights were in line with an air patrolling plan, and the planes were accompanied by NATO fighters.
Russia is affirming its military presence across the globe. However, it is not clear what Russia hopes to gain in the long run from this provocative action. The last Cold War bankrupted the Soviet Union, and Russia cannot afford another protracted military confrontation with the United States and NATO.
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